She owns a mini poodle and is a Steelers fan. MEET @Mollydee55, our new Crew member

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Tell everyone a little bit about yourself.
am a nurse who is not working right now because I have MS. I am an avid reader who was not able to read for 24 years because of the pills I was on. They messed up my focus and concentration. I am happy to be reading again as of last August and started my blog 11/3/13. I have started a virtual book tour company. I LOVE to read all genres.

I also love to watch old movies like black and white ones. I love Football (GO STEELERS!). I like hockey, love gardening, walking and hiking, and all types of music. That is about all I can think of. Oh, I have been married for 14 years to the greatest guy in the world and have a little mini poodle, all 8 pounds of him named Nino. He was a rescue.

Who are some of your favorite authors? Books?
Neil Gaiman, A.M. Holmes, S.E. Smith, Lemony Snickey, Ken Baker, J.A. Reynolds, Judy Croome, Georgia Bell. I am still remembering what I read and reading new authors. As far as books there are a lot. Mostly by these authors. I loved Neverwhere, Hunter's Claim, Unbound, The Weight of a Feather. Those are a few off the top of my head.

What are your favorite genres of books to read?
All genres accept erotica but if it is light and it is a good book I may even read that.

Besides reading, what other talents or hobbies do you have?
Oh I mentioned that above. Football, Hockey, gardening, watching movies, walking and hiking, arts and crafts.

How excited are you to be a part of the Masquerade Crew?
SUPER EXCITED! You have no idea.

You read all genres? We host all genres. The perfect match. Welcome to the Crew, Mollydee!
DeeJay and Mark