Taking Submissions for Box Set Inclusion, repost from @eBookBuilders
E-BB is Taking Submissions for Box Sets
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Cover links to Amazon.com |
Recently, I was speaking with a few clients who were involved in a box sets with other authors to get some of the facts of costs, sales, and the process.
What I was able to find out is that for a minimal investment by each author (cover, compiling and converting, and release day marketing – approximately $100) for each box set, they were able to see tens of thousands of downloads of a professionally produced ebook anthology, some of which made it on to USA Today’s Best Seller lists as well as the Amazon Top 100. In the case of box sets, each author can see a return of investment of 10 – 25% in the first 60 days of publication.
The premise simple – each author tapped into the other included author’s fan base to ‘introduce’ themselves to new readers and fans. In one case, each author had a book series and included the first book of their series to hook readers with new characters and story lines to fall in love with. As well as having multiple authors promote the anthology, they were also promoting each other as an added bonus – Win-Win.
Book Submission Requirements:
- Person (author or publisher) must have the rights (copyright) to the manuscript submitted
- Manuscript should be part of a series
- Author’s books should have a minimum of 100 4 & 5 star reviews (all books, all sites – Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Goodreads etc.)**see update below**
- Ebook must be sent in epub format
- Author must promote the box set on all of their social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Blog, Website, Pinterest, Google+) for a minimum of 90 days with heavy promotion on the first 5 days of release.
**UPDATE** Due to the large response from authors with less than 100 reviews, box sets will be added tiered by the number of reviews the authors have i.e. 100+, 50—100, 25—50
Box Set Publishing Process:
Cover designer:
- Box Set Cover
- Promotional banners for Facebook, Twitter, Google+
EBook Compilation & Format
- Verify (and correct if necessary) each epub is a valid file & complies with standards.
- Minor changes to Chapter headings if author desires ( to make more unique - EXAMPLE)
- Format & insert author photo and bio if necessary (EXAMPLE)
- Insert review reminder screen on each manuscript (linking to retail sites & Goodreads add review page — EXAMPLE )
- Format each author’s series Bookshelf screen (EXAMPLE1 and EXAMPLE2) and link to purchase sites (different for each ebook file – Amazon, Smashwords, B&N etc.)
- Format & insert linked Table of Contents for each book
- Format ToC for Box Set
- Box Set review reminder screen
- Set up box set’s book page on E-BookBuilders.com (EXAMPLE)
- Make Goodread’s Book Page
- Upload to various retail sites.
This updated ebook files (mobi, epub and Smashwords epub) will be sent to each author in the case they would like to upload the newly updated ebook to retail sites.
Release Day Promotion:
- Line up 20 – 50 websites/blogs to ‘blast’ box set’s release
- Run giveaway
- Tweet, post, etc. to promote release
We have chosen Robin Harper at Wicked by Design and have teamed with Deejay at Masquerade Tours for the release day blasts/giveaway. E-BookBuilders will be considered the project manager only, handling the coordination of the publication and paying the fees to the cover designer and release blast up front. There will be a nominal charge to be included in these box sets, but the authors will receive the royalties – equally divided – from all sales. The author will still hold the rights to the manuscript included.
For more information, questions, or to find out more information, please contact Deena
e-books (at) e-bookbuilders.com
Please do not send manuscript, cover or various files until requested.
Publishing Schedule:
Below is the tentative publishing schedule. Currently, each box set is limited to 6 full length novels only, but anthologies of novellas and short stories are a possibility if the response is high enough. Please specify sweet or steamy; no erotica at this time. All submission requests must be emailed no later than 1 month before the tentative release date with the exception of June’s which is due no later than May 16th, 2014.
- June 2014 – Contemporary Romance – Spaces still available – Tentative release June 8th
- July 2014 – American Historical Fiction – Taking submissions – Tentative Release July 6th
- August 2014 – YA – Taking Submissions – Tentative Release August 18th
- September 2014 – Mystery/Thriller/Suspense – Taking Submissions – Tentative Release September 4th
- October 2014 – Rock Fiction – Taking Submissions – Tentative Release October 20th
- November 2014 – International Historical Romance – Taking Submissions – Tentative Release November 10th
- December 2014 – Non-Fiction ( Author Help) – Taking Submissions – Tentative Release December 6th
Depending on response, more genres could be added or changed.