"Beautiful, transcendent and moving" Sprouted Soul: Whole-Souled Poems by @Doobie_Shemer

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Sprouted Soul

Whole-Souled Poems

Written by Doobie Shemer

Genre: Love Poems

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Sprouted Soul is a compilation of Whole-Souled Poems 

to everyone who has been on a quest 

For inner peace at times of grief, 

For gratifying bliss and emerging belief, 

For rising hopes when struggling to cope, 

For soothing your soul during seasons of fall, 

To enlighten mystical love, to awaken your call.

An excerpt from

Sprouted Soul


Here's what

Fans are saying

Beautiful, transcendent and moving

This collection of poetry expresses the most transcendent , ethereal feelings I have come across in such style. I was mesmerized and captivated by the tone of the poems and the rawness of emotion had me moved just the way I love my poetry to move me.

I really enjoyed this book and after reading it through I am reading it through again. I literally had to pause in reading it through the first time because I was so moved, like the feelings stirred up by these poems reached a nerve in my soul. These are deeply felt, yearning-type poems that are beautiful, poignant and moving in an almost haunting manner.

Do yourself and your spirit a favor, and buy this book!!

"Sprouted Soul, Whole-Souled Poems" is a beautiful poetry book written by Doobie Shemer, the Author of "Walking with Elijah, A Fable of Life Journey and Fulfilled Soul." Both these books are exceptional & highly recommended.

"Sprouted Soul" is heart driven & full of meaning, " .. Oh Holy man, enlighten me, guide me to my call, Eyes shut, embrace my heart, light up my Soul, who is the hero who will not fall?" Each word reaches out and tugs at the heart making it difficult to put down!

Doobie's poetry will bring happiness, give hope, & inspire in a gentle, loving way. Put an extra special shine on your day and experience "Sprouted Soul!"

— Mln21

Author Bio

Doobie Shemer

Doobie's incredible life journey has begun in his birthplace, Kibbutz Givat-Brener, Israel. His thirst and passion to explore life's meanings carried him through living in and traveling across mystical India, origin of an ancient culture and philosophies, living in the beautiful island of Cyprus, a birthplace of Goddess Aphrodite, and touring other magnificent countries, like Thailand, South Korea.

By studying and applying the wisdom of ancient methods and philosophies, Tai Chi, Reiki, and Shamanism, during the last 20 years, Doobie helped his family, friends, work colleagues, and complete strangers to improve their relationships with themselves and others, and to live a better life.

Doobie is now living in south California where his two books: Sprouted Soul, Whole-Souled Poems and Walking with Elijah, A Fable of a Life Journey and Fulfilled Soul, finally came to life.