Review requests open for Monster Lit and Dystopian. One week only.

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We haven't had a open request period since the first week of March. Around that time a whole mess of paid promo came across my desk. Because of that, reviews haven't been a priority. My wife and I are catching up, so it's time to give attention to reviews.

Plus, we have a lot of new review crew members, so we need books for their hungry minds.

Monster Lit and Dystopian

We're pretty strict with our reviews. It's the only way we can stay organized, so please only request a review if you have a Monster Lit or a Dystopian.

We have no problem deleting requests that don't follow the guidelines, so don't get cute. Neither monster lit or dystopian is specifically listed on the request form, so you'll have to include them in the subgenre field. If they aren't included, we may very well delete your request. We get enough requests that we don't have time to check out each book on Amazon.

Join Our Review Crew

If you'd like to join our review crew, go to the Reviews tab on the navigation menu and click on Join Our Review Crew.

IMPORTANT: Please read our REVIEW POLICY before submitting your review request. Failure to follow our guidelines will result in your request being declined!

Submissions are open for