What's the most visited post on The Masquerade Crew?

This is a continuation of these posts: Exposure Marketing with The Masquerade Crew and Twitter Marketing: The Overall Principle to Keep in Mind.

I ended the previous post asking the question, How do I know this kind of Twitter Marketing works? To read more about what kind of Twitter Marketing I was referring to, click here.

We recently expanded the scope of the promotion on this blog, so not all posts will receive the same level of promotion as the case has been until now. For the most part, though, all posts this past year received the same level of promotion unless I was paid to give a post special attention (which is what this post is about). Anyway, if I don't give a post extra attention, book related posts don't become super popular.

In fact, in the top ten most popular posts of this site from day 1, only one is a book related post, which I define here as a post about a single book: promo, excerpt, review, etc .... Most of the top ten are there because they attracted attention, not because I gave them extra attention. They are the sort of thing people click on, whereas book posts don't get nearly as much attention. Anyway, here's the top ten most visited posts on this blog.

  1. Here's your chance to get 8 books for zero dinero.
    (BTW, the giveaway is long over, so don't get any ideas. Ha!)
  2. I'm sure Amazon didn't do this on purpose, right?
  3. Have your book sales plummeted?
  4. 30+ great ways to promote your self-published eBook
  5. 11 Essential Things to Know If You Want to Write Fiction for a Living
  6. Writers and book lovers, list your Twitter profile to gain more followers.
  7. Interested in sponsoring, judging or participating in a writing #contest? #authors #writers #bloggers
  8. Google Docs vs. Microsoft Word: An Even Matchup?
  9. Accepting submissions for our Time Travel Anthology of Short Stories (We aren't accepting submissions, actually. This is an old post.)

Now, before I reveal the most visited post on this blog, let's examine the list so far. Number 3 is truly amazing because I didn't give it any extra promotion. It was a filler syndicated post because I was busy and didn't have time to put something else together. The fact that it is number 3 all time kind of surprised me. The posts about our Time Travel Anthology (#2 and #4) received quite a bit of extra attention from me, so I'm not surprised they were there.

I think it's pretty easy to tell why some of the others are there. After all, they present subjects that the average writer on Twitter would be interested in, some of them even interesting to the general public.

The power of Twitter Marketing, however, is seen in the number one result. The number one post is an excerpt of a novel, which usually scores really low on the traffic scale. Without further ado, here it is.

  1. A Serial Killer Plagues an Island Paradise - excerpt from DARK MIND by @jchasenovelist

Why is a novel excerpt the number one visited post?

That's easy. Look at how many times it has been shared on Twitter: 2,098 (as of today). Compare that number to the number of times the next most visited post has been shared: 398. Yes, that means the excerpt post had to be shared a whole lot more than another type of post that draws attention to itself with little effort. But, it still demonstrates the power of Twitter.

Also, the book in question sells pretty well on Amazon. I haven't asked the author what other type of promotion she does, but I think Twitter is working for her.

With this result in mind, I've upgraded our Twitter Marketing service for 2013. Stay tuned for more details.