Can the power of Scientific Prayer actually bring love into your life?
an the power of Scientific Prayer actually bring love into your life?
Miracle Prayer for Finding Love
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Each of us yearns for that one true love. And now that quest has become much easier with the discovery of Miracle Prayer for Love and Romance. The secret to effective prayer is to praise God and give thanks beforehand. Scientific Prayer differs from traditional prayer because it is not asking or petitioning for God’s help or favor. Rather, Scientific Prayer is affirming in advance what is wanted or needed, rather than affirming what is.
This fun and practical approach to Scientific Prayer offers readers instructions as well as fun exercises for using the power of Scientific Prayer to find love. The principles discussed in this book are not solely based on the author’s success, but also on published research. In a matter of days, readers will begin developing and nurturing positive habits that will assist them in finding the love that they desire.
How effective is Scientific Prayer?
Begin practicing it today, and find out for yourself.
I set this intention to fall head-first in love on September 26, 2009. I specified head-first in love, because I wasn’t talking about just falling in love. Oh, no. I wanted to fall so madly in love, I wouldn’t be able to see straight. That’s the kind of love I was talking about. The good kind. The kind that takes your breath away. Yeah, that kind.
So I gave myself 365 days to find this wonderful soul. I posted my profile on,,,, and Why so many? Because I was SERIOUS. I was a serious woman on a serious mission and besides, I only had 365 days. I had to get busy if I was going to find the kind of love I wanted. I knew that I would probably have to kiss a lot of frogs. But guess what? I was wrong. I only had to kiss one before I found The One. The second person I met was the magic I sought. We met on the 20th of November, 2009 and I can say without hesitation, from the bottom of my heart and soul that I am head-first madly in love just as I planned. Though I knew it would happen, I didn’t expect it to happen so soon, but I’m so glad it did. My intention to find love brought me more than I imagined. My head spins even as I write these very words.
You can imagine the look on my friend’s face when I shared with her that not only had I found the love that I sought, but that it happened in less than three months, nine months short of my target date. She was in shock, but she was also inspired and finally I was given credit for knowing a little something about the power of intention.
My reply to her was, “I told you that you can plan love.”
I attribute my success to three principles:
(1) Setting a target date, setting an intention to fall in love by a certain date. You see, setting a target date compels you to take action.
(2) Having a serious action plan to make it happen. I didn’t just say I wanted to fall in love by September 26, 2010, or I would like to fall in love by September 26, 2010. I stated firmly that I WAS GOING to fall head-first in love by September 26, 2010, and I had a serious strategy for making it happen.
(3) Having the belief that it was possible. (If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and planted in the sea,” and it will obey you─Luke 17:6). Why was I so sure that I would find someone wonderful in 365 days? Because of my kick-butt action plan. I knew it was impossible to post my profile on several online dating websites and go on numerous dates over and over again in a year’s period of time and not meet anyone great. I knew it as surely as I trusted that night would fall every evening.
(4) Daily Scientific Prayer. Once a day, every day, I would give thanks to God in advance, over and over again for gifting me with a wonderful love relationship.
This wonderful experience taught me about the power of intention. And then, there’s something else. And pay attention because this is so important. The only reason why anyone doesn’t have the thing that they most desire is because they have given up hope and are no longer in pursuit of it. If they are in pursuit of it, you can believe it’s on its way.
LONDON TRACY is an author, freelance writer and screenwriter. She has written for magazines such as Writer’s Digest and Psychology Today. She is the author of "The Female Sex, the Depression Cure Just for Ladies" and "Your Life Story Could Be a Best Seller."
Miracle Prayer for Finding Love
London Tracy
Follow @londontracy44
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This fun and practical approach to Scientific Prayer offers readers instructions as well as fun exercises for using the power of Scientific Prayer to find love. The principles discussed in this book are not solely based on the author’s success, but also on published research. In a matter of days, readers will begin developing and nurturing positive habits that will assist them in finding the love that they desire.
How effective is Scientific Prayer?
Begin practicing it today, and find out for yourself.
I set this intention to fall head-first in love on September 26, 2009. I specified head-first in love, because I wasn’t talking about just falling in love. Oh, no. I wanted to fall so madly in love, I wouldn’t be able to see straight. That’s the kind of love I was talking about. The good kind. The kind that takes your breath away. Yeah, that kind.
So I gave myself 365 days to find this wonderful soul. I posted my profile on,,,, and Why so many? Because I was SERIOUS. I was a serious woman on a serious mission and besides, I only had 365 days. I had to get busy if I was going to find the kind of love I wanted. I knew that I would probably have to kiss a lot of frogs. But guess what? I was wrong. I only had to kiss one before I found The One. The second person I met was the magic I sought. We met on the 20th of November, 2009 and I can say without hesitation, from the bottom of my heart and soul that I am head-first madly in love just as I planned. Though I knew it would happen, I didn’t expect it to happen so soon, but I’m so glad it did. My intention to find love brought me more than I imagined. My head spins even as I write these very words.
You can imagine the look on my friend’s face when I shared with her that not only had I found the love that I sought, but that it happened in less than three months, nine months short of my target date. She was in shock, but she was also inspired and finally I was given credit for knowing a little something about the power of intention.
My reply to her was, “I told you that you can plan love.”
I attribute my success to three principles:
(1) Setting a target date, setting an intention to fall in love by a certain date. You see, setting a target date compels you to take action.
(2) Having a serious action plan to make it happen. I didn’t just say I wanted to fall in love by September 26, 2010, or I would like to fall in love by September 26, 2010. I stated firmly that I WAS GOING to fall head-first in love by September 26, 2010, and I had a serious strategy for making it happen.
(3) Having the belief that it was possible. (If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and planted in the sea,” and it will obey you─Luke 17:6). Why was I so sure that I would find someone wonderful in 365 days? Because of my kick-butt action plan. I knew it was impossible to post my profile on several online dating websites and go on numerous dates over and over again in a year’s period of time and not meet anyone great. I knew it as surely as I trusted that night would fall every evening.
(4) Daily Scientific Prayer. Once a day, every day, I would give thanks to God in advance, over and over again for gifting me with a wonderful love relationship.
This wonderful experience taught me about the power of intention. And then, there’s something else. And pay attention because this is so important. The only reason why anyone doesn’t have the thing that they most desire is because they have given up hope and are no longer in pursuit of it. If they are in pursuit of it, you can believe it’s on its way.
About London Tracy
LONDON TRACY is an author, freelance writer and screenwriter. She has written for magazines such as Writer’s Digest and Psychology Today. She is the author of "The Female Sex, the Depression Cure Just for Ladies" and "Your Life Story Could Be a Best Seller."