Showcase Sunday #7: Featuring @divamomrockstar
Prophecy of the Most Beautiful
by Diantha Jones Follow @DianthaJonesClick here

1. The Runaway King (Ascendence Trilogy #2) by Jennifer Nielsen– I loved the first book in this series, The False Prince, so you can imagine my excitement when I received this from NetGalley the other day. Already a few chapters in and I'm hooked!
Read my review of The False Prince
Freebies from Amazon

1. Damian's Oracle (War of Gods #1) by Lizzy Ford– Cover got me.
2. The Cypher (Guardians Inc. #1) by Julian Rosado-Machain– Looks like there are rat-gargoyle hybrids on the cover. Count me in.
3. Perception (Perception #1) by Lee Strauss– Saw this on a blog and downloaded it because it was free. Not going to lie. The chances of me reading this anytime soon are slim. Just saying.
1. Dragon Actually (The Dragon Kin #1) G.A. Aiken– I just started reading Shelly Laurenston's Pride series (who is also G.A. Aiken BTW) and I really enjoyed the first book. This one is not as good, but they're DRAGONS, so who cares.
For Crew Review
Aberration by Danielle Simmons Follow @divamomrockstar– Sandra picked this as one of her March reads!