Showcase Sunday #4: Featuring @RobynPierceNaNo
Prophecy of the Most Beautiful
(Oracle of Delphi, #1)
by Diantha Jones Follow @DianthaJonesClick here
Showcase Sunday a fun weekly meme hosted by Vicky over @Books, Biscuits and Tea. It's a great way of showing off what we've bought, borrowed and received this week.
Again, with the lonely book, Diantha
The Proposal (The Proposition #2) by Katie Ashley– Really enjoyed the first book, so I just had to get the second one. Yup, I controlled myself again this week :) #pride
For Crew Review
Darkest Embrace (The Lanistter Chronicles, #1) by Robyn M. Pierce (Goodreads)– Crystal N. chose this book as her first Crew read!