Let the Amazing Kindle Fire Scavenger Hunt Begin!

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Let the Games Begin!

First of all, let me welcome you to the new and improved Scavenger Hunt. Well, I use the word improved because I think it is a much better version than we had before. It's actually a game now, not like it was before.

There's a riddle involved this time around. The answer to the riddle is a 5-letter word. That's what you are scavenging as you play.

Can you guess the 5-letter word?

But before I get too far ahead of myself, let me be frank. This new and improved scavenger hunt is not easy. It's rather complicated, actually. This will turn some away, as they will be too busy to bother themselves with it. That means that those who do play will probably have a much better chance of winning the grand prize, a Kindle Fire HD, than if it were a simple Kindle Giveaway.

It's not a simple giveaway. It's a game.

To be fair to the lazy people, though, I am giving them a chance to win without playing. Everyone gets a free entry. The next entry has to be the 5-letter scavenged word. After that a host of other entry options open themselves up, including sharing the hunt on Twitter, Facebook, your blog, and the like.

I encourage you to share it all over the place.

"But that means my chances of winning won't be as good."

Though technically true, the more people who hear about this game means that it will come back. If only a few people play, I won't have a Kindle as another prize in the future. To me it's too precious a prize to waste on a simple giveaway. Help me raise the bar on internet sweepstakes. Let's make it fun to win ... and challenging.

Besides, the more you share, the more likely you will be the one to win. It's a Catch-22 sort of thing. Well, not really ... ahem ... you get my drift, don't you?