The Future of the Reader Round Up Program

As the votes began to come in, I thought the response was going to be overwhelmingly in my favor. Even after one No vote came in, more positive votes continued to trickle in. However, after a few more No votes, I decided that perhaps now wasn't the time to push this issue.
So, what's the future of the Reader Round Up program?
One thing is certain: I'm not giving up on the spirit of the program.
The underlying purpose of the program is to find readers (and hopefully reviewers) for the participating authors. Because there is only so much you can do with blog-based book promotion, getting a book in the hands of readers will continue to be my goal, whether it be with the Reader Round Up program or even future features of this site.
(I have a few things in mind, and one in particular might be a game changer. Stay tuned.)
We're not losing much
Most of the Reader Round Up program wasn't about the giveaway, so we're not losing much. I haven't completely decided what the $5 that would have gone toward the giveaway will be for. Spending a little more time promoting a book via Twitter is one obvious choice, but other things may come to me as well.
In any case, if you would like to receive an email from me when one of your favorite genres has a book in the program, join our book club. We need as many readers (and reviewers) as possible. That's the true crusade of this program, a crusade worth pursuing.
By the way, here are the results of the poll. (Click the picture to see the full version.)