Let's hear from Soren, former captain of the Naphthalian Royal Guard.
FOR ME Prophecy Chronicles: Prophecy Foretold was a labor of love. I could go on and on about the project, but I think I’ll let one of the characters speak for himself. Please let me introduce to you Soren, former captain of the Naphthalian Royal Guard and current leader of the Resistance:
Greetings—or if you prefer, Morning’s Blessings, as is often said in some parts of EnialĂ©. Ron asked me to tell you a little about my world. Well, as I always say, sooner begun, sooner done, so here we go. I was once the captain of the guard for the last king of Naphthali, King Begnauld the Wanderer. Some call him the Fool…yes, well, history is written by the victors, isn’t it? He was murdered by Imperialists, but we didn’t know that until later, not until it was too late.Oh, sorry, I thought Soren was going to tell us a little more about Naphthali than that. Honor drives him to stand against the Empire, and he’d never abandon a friend as true as Thosten, not when he goes to battle with his kin. Anyway, I guess that does give you one perspective on Naphthali when Prophecy Foretold opens, just when Daniel Marten is drawn from our world into Soren’s. If you pick up the book, I hope you enjoy it! I know Soren would appreciate your support and well wishes. And I’d love to hear what you think! Please stop by www.prophecychronicles.com and drop me a line!
I know what you’re probably thinking: where was I, the captain of his guard? Believe me, if I could change the past I would. His death is a shame I must live with, as well as all that followed. Even the deaths of my own—no. Many apologies, Ron, but I can’t tell that tale.
Suffice it to say, Naphthali burned. Clan turned on clan, division destroying everything Begnauld and his forebears brought together. At times like that the strong devour the weak and we are all left that much smaller for the dark deeds. It shouldn’t be surprising that the Empire attacked when they did. After all, we knew they were watching, waiting…
Imperial armies overran what defense we had left before we even realized they were coming. The streets ran red, and before long an Imperial governor took Begnauld’s seat. He granted our lands to his lackeys and forced those of us that wouldn’t kneel into hiding. Now they rule us with an iron fist, their damned Rule of Ten controlling the people with fear. I’m done hiding. My friend Thosten and I are making for the Iron Gate now. We hear the Bloody Horde, brave warriors of clan Durmeer, plan to stand and fight. I fear they don’t have the numbers to stand alone, but if we can’t turn them we will join them. I’ve been sharpening my Katareen blade and I’m ready to use it.
The Resistance needs a strong showing, or it may be over for all of us. What choice do we have? There is no Naphthalian that could reunite the clans, not now. The old healer, Westragen, would have us hold out hope for the Stranger…but I’ve heard that tired old Prophecy in a hundred different ports! Who’s to say it’s even meant for Naphthali? Just for argument’s sake, let’s say it is. If the Stranger means to save us, he damn well better get here soon, or there’ll be nothing left to save. Many apologies, Ron, but I really must go. We fight for honor, for the glory or Naphthali, and we fight for justice!
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Website: http://www.prophecychronicles.com/