Sign up for our next Scavenger Hunt and help us give away a Kindle Fire

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Not just any Kindle Fire Giveaway

Other sites give away high priced items like this all the time. In fact, a very popular blog does it every month. It's a great opportunity for authors and a relatively cheap way to promote a book. However, our Scavenger Hunt Kindle Fire Giveaway will put more focus on the books.

People won't be able to just enter and win without paying attention to the books and the authors. I think that is a major failing of other giveaways. Sure, a high priced item gets lots of people to enter, but if someone enters only to win and not to find new books or at least has the ability to ignore the sponsoring books, isn't the author's money wasted somewhat?

Our Scavenger Hunt giveaway will discourage giveaway junkies. It will be designed for those who like to discover new books—targeted marketing.

What's the big deal about giving away a Kindle Fire?

The only thing we were giving away before was books. Books are easy to get, so straight book giveaways aren't as effective in my experience. A group giveaway was better than any single giveaway, but a high priced item like a Kindle Fire gets people in the door—more people enter our gift card giveaways than our straight ebook variety, after all.

Our scavenger hunt will attract readers of all kinds, covering all genres, and with an item like a Kindle Fire, more people in general will be apt to click and check it out.

How the Scavenger Hunt will work

The Scavenger Hunt post will list a bunch of questions or clues. Answers, which will be one word each, will be found either on an Amazon page or a promo post on this site.

One letter from each answer will be the clue letter. When all the clue letters are put together, the clue phrase will emerge. The answer to the composite clue will be an entry option for the giveaway.

Other entry options will include turning in answers for each question or individual clue. Turning in the clue phrase will also be an entry option, but the answer to the clue phrase will be worth much more than these secondary entry options, encouraging players to play the entire hunt..

For a simplistic example as well as more details, click HERE.

As you can tell, the new Scavenger Hunt will be challenging but more fun (I hope).

What the Scavenger Hunt comes with

Because I will need the Scavenger Hunt answers to form a pattern, I won't expect the authors to come up with questions. However, depending on which package they buy, they will have other work to do that they haven't had to do in the past.

Package #1 - $25

  • Scavenger Hunt Fee (including marketing)
  • $10 toward the purchase of a Kindle Fire

One scavenger hunt question. The answer will be found on the book's Amazon page. $10 of the fee will go toward the purchase of a Kindle Fire.

Package #2 - $50

  • Scavenger Hunt Fee (including marketing)
  • $10 toward the purchase of a Kindle Fire
  • Giveaway Promo Post
    • Click here for an example of a Giveaway Promo Post. The author gave away e-copies of her book. Cash giveaways attract more people, naturally.
    • Formatting of your post might be different.

One scavenger hunt question. The answer will be found in a promo post on this site. It could come from the synopsis or review quotes. It will not come from the excerpt. A giveaway is recommended. For example, copies of their book or a gift card they sponsor.

Package #3 - $65

  • Scavenger Hunt Fee—2 questions (including marketing)
  • $10 toward the purchase of a Kindle Fire
  • Giveaway Promo Post
  • Author Interview Post
    • Click here for an example of our author interviews. 
    • Formatting of your post might be different.

In addition to the Package #2 options, there will be a second scavenger hunt question. The answer will be found in a second post on this site, an interview with the author.

The interview will not be boring like so many author interviews tend to be. The author will get to choose from a bushel of questions: some quick lightening round questions, a serious question or two, and a wacky question. The chances of any two interviews being exactly alike will be astronomically rare.

Each scavenger hunt post (giveaway post and/or interview post) will be heavily promoted on Twitter, of course. Also, emails sent out to our book club will promote the hunt even more.

Timing of the Hunt

Because all of the Scavenger Hunt questions have to work in tandem, the hunt will not start until I line up enough authors. The more authors we have the bigger the prize will be. We'll need a minimum of 10 to purchase the lowest cost Kindle Fire. But there's other models we can give away. We just need the numbers.

If sign ups are slow, I'll cut it off at 10 authors and just give away the lowest price Kindle Fire.

Secret Word

The Paypal form as well as any Google form you fill out will ask for a secret word. We use this to match up your payment with forms you fill out. Choose a word or short phrase that other authors are not likely to choose—perhaps something unique to either you or one of your books.

Multiple Forms

Because of the complexity of these promotion options, there are different forms to fill out based upon which package you buy. If you purchase the $25 option, there's only 1 form to fill out. If you purchase the $50 package, there's 2 forms to fill out, and there are 3 forms to fill out if you buy the third option.

Choose a package
Secret Word: 

Everyone must fill out THIS FORM.

If you bought the $50 or $65 options, fill out THIS FORM for the promo post.

If you bought the $65 option, also fill out THIS FORM for the author interview.