We want your bite size tips to tweet. #writingtips

By tweeting this post, you can earn promotional tweets from me as part of the Amazon Tweet Exchange.
Details here.

We want your bite size tips, specifically ones that fit inside a tweet. We'll attribute the tip to you, and we'll attach an appropriate hashtag: #writingtip, #marketingtip, and the like.

You may turn in as many as you wish. Simply fill out the form again. A few people may follow you as a result of your tweet going out over our accounts, which we'll do on a rotating basis, over and over again.

And, of course, I encourage you to retweet tips you see, whether you wrote them or not. Let's share the writing love!

What kinds of tips? 

Well, check out the list of hashtags on the form, or you may think of something that needs a different hashtag. Just don't forget the # when you fill out the form.

Basically, anything that might help out an author on their indie journey (traditional authors will benefit as well since all authors have to be independent a little bit nowadays).

One very important rule, though...

Absolutely NO LINKS

If I see a link, I simply won't use your tweet.