Label it: if it's GMO we want to know - how about you?

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I received the following email from the Center For Food Safety. It's not book or author related, but it affects each and every one of us (who live in the US). If you live elsewhere, especially Europe, your governments are likely already in line with what the state of Oregon is trying to accomplish.

And it fits in line with this website's secondary mission: support anything indie. In this case, indie food.

Organic farmers have to bend over backwards to get their food labeled "Certified Organic," but big food companies don't have to tell us what kind of crop they use for their products. Whether you avoid GMOs or not, this should bother you.

I don't avoid GMOs, but I think it would still be nice to know what I'm eating, specifically what kind of farm it came from. Big Food companies spend millions of dollars trying to get this kind of legislation to fail. Why? Probably because they have something to hide. Sure, they say it is to not confuse the consumer, but to me that just sounds like they are calling us stupid, illiterate people who can't read a nutrition label and make sense of it.

Anyway, read what was in the email, and if you feel strongly enough about it, volunteer to call people in Oregon and tell them about the issue.


There are only 13 days until Election Day in Oregon, and Measure 92—the Oregon state ballot initiative to label genetically engineered (GE) foods—is facing slim margins in the polls. Big food and chemical companies are spending over $10 million on misinformation ads to confuse and frighten voters. Measure 92 is now the most expensive ballot measure in state history. It’s looking all too familiar, and we need your help to make sure big money doesn’t win in Oregon like it did in California and Washington.
How can you help?

In the next 13 days, we need to call over 250,000 Oregon voters. These are targeted calls to potential supporters we know can fall prey to our opponent’s massive disinformation campaign.

<<< Sign up to call Oregon voters from home >>>

We know you don’t live in Oregon. But this election has ramifications for GE labeling across the entire country. Oregon stands poised to become the first state to pass a GE labeling bill at the ballot – a victory that would pave the way for other states to follow.

Oregon is a vote-by-mail state, so residents are already voting on Measure 92. It’s urgent that we reach the folks on the fence who have not already mailed their ballot in!

It’s easy to make phone calls from anywhere in the country! All you need is a phone and a computer with internet access. 

Oregonians need to hear from YOU about why GE labeling is so important. To signup click You will get a follow up email and a call from the campaign and you will be set to help us win labeling of GE foods.

Your calls could truly make or break this election.

Thank you all for your ongoing energy and support of this campaign - we couldn't do it with you!

- The Center for Food Safety Action Fund team