Write What You Want to Know by @lanceerlick

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Write What You WANT To Know

Writing coaches often advise us to write what we know. On the surface that sounds like sound advice, but I’ve found several problems with that approach. First, with a subject we know too well, we risk approaching the story with only lukewarm enthusiasm, lacking the passion and enthusiasm that comes from new eyes. After all, it’s become second nature to us; we take things for granted.

Book One
Second, we’re often so close to what we know that we overlooking important details. We don’t see the obvious, because they’re—well obvious to us. Third, we know so much about our areas of expertise that we risk becoming condescending toward our readers by talking down or over their heads. Some writers do this by bludgeoning us with details to prove how much they know.

For me, exploring new topics brings with it the passion to make a better story, and since I’m learning in the process, I can share my enthusiasm with my audience. My early writing was too close to home and lacked the spark to bring the characters to life. From that, I’ve branched out, exploring new science and societal trends to share with readers as if for the first time.

My Rebel series came out of thinking of new political realities and new scientific research into fertility. These stories give me the chance to take readers to a world they’ve probably never been to before.

Meet Lance Erlick
Lance Erlick grew up in various parts of the United States and Europe. He took to stories as his anchor and was inspired by his father’s engineering work on cutting-edge aerospace projects to look to the future. He studied creative writing at Northwestern University and University of Iowa.

He writes science fiction, dystopian and young adult stories and likes to explore the future implications of social and technological trends. He’s the author of The Rebel WithinThe Rebel Trap, and Rebels Divided, three books in the Rebel series. In those stories, he flips traditional exploitation to explore the effects of a world that discriminates against males and the consequences of following conscience for those coming of age.

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Coming October 1st!

WIN The Rebel Trap, book three in the Rebel series, only at Goodreads!