C is for Connie J Jasperson, aka @cjjasp, recom'd by @mrszoomby #atozchallenge

C is for

Connie J Jasperson

Recommended by Rachel Tsoumbakos

The Last Good Knight

Cover links to Amazon

The world has always needed a hero, and no-one is as heroic as Sir Julian Lackland. A bold warrior, passionate lover and brilliant tactician, he throws himself into battle and romance with the same reckless abandon. His innocence and sense of humor are his greatest weapons.

But not even heroes are invulnerable. Julian has lost his true love, Lady Mags, and the child he can never claim. Lady Mags and Golden Beau form the framework of his life, anchoring his sanity and making a love triangle unlike any other. When Lackland can’t prevent the death of his beloved Beau, he knows it’s time to retire from the hero business.

But with enemies gathering, and the world in peril, Lackland doesn't have a choice. The Last Good Knight has one final battle to fight.

Why did you recommend this book?

Her book The Last Good Knight is one of my all time favourite Indie novels. It is a bawdy tale of medieval love. Connie brings this world to life with great passion. There is plenty of love, laughter and tears.


About Connie J Jasperson


About Rachel Tsoumbakos
