The Battle has Begun. Romance Cover Wars!

Welcome to the Romance Cover Wars.

You can vote for your favorite two covers every day, so come back often. If there's more than two covers you would like to support, that's OK too. Spread the love around a bit.

The cover that has the most votes at the end of the month will be featured further on this site with a promo post, tweets to promote that post, and some other tweets to promote the book directly on Amazon. You can have a say in which book gets this opportunity.

Let's meet the contenders

Covers link to

Remember, you may vote for 2 covers EACH DAY

Romance Scavenger Hunt Free Entry

Every time you vote in Cover Wars, you can earn entries in the Romance Scavenger Hunt. Why should you do this? Because you will earn 2 chances at winning a $20 Amazon gift card each time. If you vote everyday, that's about 60 entries, give or take a few.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This version of Cover Wars was originally inspired by a meme of the same name from Book Whore.