MEET @KayFroebel, Our newest Crew member!
Greetings fellow bookworms, my name is Kay. I’m a bit quirky, far too vocal, and as sarcastic as they come. I am the mother of two beautiful girls and a fluffy mutt, and wife to a total nerd. I aman editor, a book reviewer, and a blogger. I am also notoriously impatient, so beware if you are writing a series and haven’t finished it yet. I implode if I have to wait for the next book. Not a pretty sight.
Who are some of your favorite authors? Books?
This is a difficult one, as my favorites often change based on my mood. I am a lover of classics, and found a special place in my heart for Jane Austen, Persuasion being my favorite. I also adore The Odyssey by Homer, but who doesn’t? When I was younger, I had an obsession with Tamora Pierce. Other favorites include J.K. Rowling, Sarah Douglass, James Patterson, Lois Lowry, etc.
What are your favorite genres of books to read?
Another tough one. I have a great fondness for Fantasy settings. I am a sucker for other worlds, magical trinkets, and other mystical things. I am married to a man who believes a romantic sentiment is telling me how he would save me in a Zombie Apocalypse, so therefore I do enjoy a good Zombie/Monster book. I am a sucker for romance too. Props if you can pull off all three!
Besides reading, what other talents or hobbies do you have?
If I am not reading, then I am writing. I have a million and one manuscripts compiled on an external hard drive collecting dust on my shelf, and am constantly adding to it. When I am not out chasing my girls, vacuuming up dog fur from my entirely too fluffy pooch, or cuddling with the fam watching movies, I am at my laptop typing away the stories that threaten to destroy my sanity. Another hobby, and talent, of mine is editing. I have a few authors who graciously allow me to muck up their beautiful manuscripts with red lines and texts, helping them shape their story into something pristinely awesome. It is something I enjoy tremendously, and hope to eventually be able to replace my nine to fiver with a full time editing gig.
How excited are you to be a part of the Masquerade Crew?
Wicked excited! See that? My New England accent popping in there. I am thrilled to be a part of this team, not only because it allows me to read a ton of books, but it also allows me to share my thoughts, in fact they demand it. Can’t get much better than that.
It really can't, can it? Welcome to the Crew, Kay!