"Deeply disturbing..." The Incarnations of Joe: The Key by @TLWeatherall #fantasy #review

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The Key

The Incarnations of Joe, Book 1

Written by Timothy Weatherall

Genre(s): Fantasy

Death has come to the woods surrounding an isolated northern mining town. It is the night of Christmas 1960, and what Joe Magister is about to encounter on the road will leave him forever changed and bring him face to face with his true heritage. What he will come to learn is that no truth is as simple as what is taught in church. Angels and demons; Heaven and Hell; good versus evil—none of it is as it seems. And when a marriage of old souls is put asunder there are consequences that must be paid.

Moonwalker's Review

Deeply disturbing at a gut level...

The category for this story is listed as young adult fantasy, but to me it reads as more of a horror story – which is fine, because I like horror stories. I'm just making a distinction here. It's about Joe Majister's journey through life as he becomes more attached to the wolves in the forest than to the people in his town. It's a story about love, loss, and the search for the key to Heaven. I found this story to be deeply disturbing at a gut level. The author takes an entirely different path to the age-old legend about wolves who would be human, and humans who would be wolves. The concepts of good and evil are flipped in a convincing way that leaves this reader cold. The nature of God is so skewed He's unrecognizable. Good is bad,and bad is good. The violence is graphic, and the sexual content is ever present, but not pornographic.

'Evil stands in the daylight and watches us each day. It holds a door for us, it looks us in the eyes and asks if it can help.' this is a line from the book that sums up the storyline rather well. Evil changes hands in the characters so many times that it's hard to keep track of what is the right or wrong of any given circumstance. This is a rather frightening look at God and the Devil, and the belief systems attached to them. It's not a book I would recommend to teenagers, but it's a pretty good read for adults.

Disclaimer: Book provided by the author free of charge in exchange for an honest review.