"It was a smooth, easy, fun read." Straight Into Darkness by @robertlslater #dystopia

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Straight Into Darkness

A Deserted Lands Novel

Written by Robert L. Slater

Genre(s): YA, Apocalyptic, Dystopian, Science Fiction



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Lizzie survived a pandemic that killed 98% of humanity. Now she is pregnant after an end-of-the-world, one night stand. She and her unborn baby are 'protected' by her family and the government of The City—no travel or endangering herself or the baby. Lizzie doesn’t like to be controlled, so she runs away as the power goes out.

An excerpt from

Straight Into Darkness


Run, Baby, Run

LIZZIE SAT WAITING IN THE Provincial Utah Government Offices. They’d come for her father, Manuel Guerrero, first. In addition to herself, there were a dozen or more people folks sitting around waiting. As more were called she realized they were taking the able-bodied adults first. That made sense–prioritize the most important, most likely to help first. After a bit she wandered over to the receptionist, a young woman, a little older than herself, a brunette with some blonde highlights that looked like they might have been from time in the sun.

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Here's what a

Fan said

Enjoyed it very much! This is book two and shares more of the travels in a new world. Lizzie is a character that I related to in the first book, All is Silence and more of her personality and quirks are revealed here.

Mr. Slater has a way to give his characters to RL feeling that pulled me in. Pregnant and wondering where the next steps take her and how to handle the things that pop up in the new world.

There is a good amount of pop culture in the book, and that makes it even more fun, but it's handled in a way that makes it readable and should hold up the test of time. It was a smooth, easy, fun read. I look forward to book three!

— E. Childs

Check out the first book

All Is Silence

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Author Bio

Robert L. Slater

Robert L. Slater is a teacher/writer living in Bellingham, Washington. His stories and poetry have appeared in many small press publications. His first novel, All Is Silence: A Deserted Lands novel, was released in 2014. He has a should've-been-a doctorate B.A. in Theatre/Education, Spanish and History minors and a M.A. in Educational Technology.

He sings, plays guitar, acts/directs in regional theatres, cooks, reads, practices Taekwon Do, writes plays, songs, and stories. He has six children and two grandchildren. His motto is Robert Heinlein's "Specialization is for Insects."