By tweeting this post, you can earn promotional tweets from me as part of the Amazon Tweet Exchange. Details here . Our theme for the A to Z challenge is authors who are more than just writers. X is for Xenodochial Cover links to Desirée Lee is a very kind woman of many, many talents. She is a bestselling, critically-acclaimed author of paranormal fiction. She is also a fantastic wife and mother. In addition to her exceedingly busy professional and family needs, she also finds time to indulge in her hobbies of cooking, gaming, and sewing. She is a people person. She loves meeting new people, and doesn't limit that to just fans of her work. She is a warm, caring individual who truly likes people, and interacting with them. When someone needs her help, she tends to go to great lengths to provide that help. Desirée Lee is a fantastic person who enriches the lives of everyone lucky enough to meet her.