Crossword clues about your book. Details here:

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Details here.

The future of our Kindle Fire Scavenger Hunt will be in the form of Crosswords. Also, I'm going to create a new weekly paperback giveaway opportunity. That too will involve crosswords.

So, I need crossword clues. Lots of them. I'll be building clues from posts on this site (so I encourage you to purchase a promo post), but right now, on this post,  I'm giving you the chance to purchase clues. $3 for one clue or $5 for two clues. All purchased clues will lead to your book on Amazon.

In other words, players of the crosswords will have to browse your book on Amazon to answer some of the clues. Or they will have to browse posts on this site to find the answer. Either way it will be about your book.

I will use clues at least once, of course, but I may use clues more than once depending on the crossword and other factors.

Secret Word

Both on the Paypal Form (which is ON THIS PAGE, not the Paypal website) as well as the Google form, we ask for a secret word. We use this to match up your payment with your package details you submit via form. Choose something other authors aren't likely to choose — perhaps something unique to either you or one of your books.

How many clues?

Secret Word: