"Thrilling, dangerous and hot." The Nightlife San Antonio by @TWLuedke #romance

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The Nightlife

San Antonio

The Nightlife Series

Written by Travis Luedke

Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance

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Vampires, Mafia & Mayhem: 

The Nightlife San Antonio is 
violent, sexy, and occasionally violently sexy.

All she wanted was to escape the police. All he wanted was to get laid. They both got more than they bargained for.

EMT on call, Adrian Faulkner resuscitates a beautiful woman after a Mexican mafia shootout. He can't explain why he picks her up in the hospital parking lot three days later and then ducks the San Antonio police and the Feds. Well, the hot sex might have something to do with it.

She needed to hide. With no memory of even her name, she didn't know from who. She only knew she wasn't safe.

Adrian soon learns she is much more than a damsel in distress, and he’s stuck with her. It isn't long before the past she cannot remember begins to catch up with them both…

THE NIGHTLIFE SAN ANTONIO is a non-stop thrill ride through the shadowy borderworld of mafia politics and vampires – and sex.

An excerpt from

The Nightlife 

San Antonio


Here's what

Fans are saying

I'm running out of words to describe just how good Luedke's books are. Every new release is his best book yet.

The Nightlife: San Antonio is a blood-splattered roller coaster of fun. It feels very grounded in reality making the supernatural action elements all-the-more powerful.

Adrian is my new favorite everything. Total badass and everything I wish I was... which is probably not something I should actually say in public. Because he's a tad cray-cray. But I dare you not to cheer for him.

If you haven't read anything by Travis Luedke yet, start with San Antonio. A few chapters in you'll be as hooked as any bloodslave.

This book is thrilling, 
dangerous and hot.

Travis Luedke takes so many genres and melds them all together into an exciting thrill ride that you can't escape from. Just when you think things are going to calm down and finally head in one direction, the platform is swept out from under you and you find yourself free-falling into an unknown world where vampires, mafia and sex collide. What you are left with is an amazing read that cannot be put down.

This book is just another example of a novel taking the road less traveled and coming in strong at the finish. This is not a simple story line and it is not a simple romance. The Nightlife San Antonio is dark and dangerous and holy crap, what is going to happen next? It is powerful and gripping and I am pretty sure the sex couldn't be more intense. I don't think I will ever tire of reading books by Travis Luedke. He is on my short list of go-to authors. When he hits publish, I devour.

This is a standalone novel and does not have to be read with the other books in the Nightlife Series. But the entire set of Nightlife books is amazing... These books will pull you from everything you thought you liked in a book and set you right down in the middle of everything you didn't know you liked, but you love!

Author Bio

Travis Luedke

Travis Luedke is a husband, father, and author of Urban Fantasy Thriller, Paranormal Romance, Contemporary Fantasy, Young Adult Fiction, and Sci-fi. He is currently catching a 3rd degree sunburn in San Antonio, Texas, and loving every minute of it.

As the author of the Nightlife Series novels, Travis lives very vicariously through his writings. He invites you to enjoy his macabre flights of fancy, but be warned: The Nightlife Series is violent, sexy, and occasionally violently sexy.