"Reminds me a lot of Stephen King" Crow Creek by @TheGodFocker1 #horror

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Crow Creek

Written by Thomas Drago

Genre: Horror, Supernatural Thriller

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Nestled along the shores of North Carolina's Haw River, Crow Creek has its problems—most tragically, several suicides in recent years. Sad, of course, but such things happen. If Pastor Aken didn't insist on maintaining candlelight vigils for the dead, most of the town wouldn't think much about the suicides anymore.

Sheriff Brad Gleason keeps looking for a connection between the deaths, but that's to be expected—one of the victims was his own daughter, and he's still trying to make sense of her death.

When a sinkhole swallows a car, people, and businesses on King Street, Crow Creek soon discovers the charismatic pastor has a sinister link to the suicides. Sheriff Gleason and a small band of friends find themselves pitted against an unexpected evil and its hellish offspring, even as they struggle to maintain their faith in the face of tragedy.

An excerpt from

Crow Creek


Here's what

Fans are saying

This horror novel from first-time author Thomas Drago is exciting and well-written. The book reminds me a lot of Stephen King, mostly Under the Dome and Needful Things.

The story's about how people need to keep their faith even when bad things happen. There's plenty of suspense and several unexpected twists.

Drago does an excellent job of creating a fictional Southern town with believable characters.

I can't wait to read his next one.
— Waterloo

If you are an avid Stephen King fan like myself, this book is for you. Crow Creek has a captivating storyline that is sure to make you laugh, cry and cringe.

The characters are intriguing and suck you in - from wanting to hug Brad Gleason to punching Krully in the face. Then there is Pastor Aken. What is a good horror/thriller without a slimy character you love to hate? You won't be disappointed.

Crow Creek is a great read you will find hard to put down.

Author Bio

Thomas Drago

Thomas Drago is a drama teacher living in North Carolina. He graduated from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. He is married and has two children.

A member of the Horror Writers Association, Drago has published a half-dozen short stories in various literary magazines. Crow Creek is his first full-length novel.