Visiting some "L" blogs. #AtoZchallenge

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I'm pretty sure I wanted to do an interview today, but I can't find the email. So, either the author never replied, the mail got lost in transit, or I missed this letter all together.

In any case, my back up plan works for any day. Just visit some blogs and share with you the ones I comment on. The first two are from G day, blog posts I visited several days ago but never got around to including in a post.

  1. Getting in Touch: Fiction ~ Day 7 #AtoZChallenge
  2. G is for Genre-bending
  3. L is for Loss
  4. Laughably longing #atozchallenge
  5. L is for the Limitations Imposed by Light Speed
  6. Larger Than Life Statues in Malaysia, Singapore, China, Italy and Spain ~ #AtoZ AmaZing Photos
  7. Looking for Something
  8. I Indulges IKEA
  9. Left In The Dark – AToZ Challenge 2014 – Day12
  10. I - Finding Myself