An open hearted author. @ancumer nominated @SDSouthard #atozchallenge

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Our theme for the A to Z challenge is authors who are more than just writers.

O is for Open Hearted

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In the beginning, embarking on a journey into Twitter is much like being lost at sea.  I discovered Scott Southard’s post, "Drowning in Tweets" at such a time.  Since that time, I have been struck by his open heartedness when sharing on his blog. 

He is not afraid to be honest about who he is as an author, as a person.  He doesn't shy away from sharing his struggles and triumphs.  My favorite story of triumph is the story behind A Jane Austin's Daydream and how it came to be.... it’s one you don’t want to miss!

Mark's Note: this is a repeat nomination. Scott was nominated for the letter H.