"I come from a family who loves anything creepy." #interview w/ @sammyig

Danielle DeVor
Author of 
Sorrow's Edge

Interview # 1 (of 2)

Tell us about your family.

I come from a family who loves anything creepy. Halloween was always a big event. One of my Father's proudest moments was when he scared a reporter covering trick-or-treat in the area and got written up in the paper because he had scared the reporter.

What's your favorite food? Details please.

Chocolate. I don't think I would live long if I couldn't eat just a little bit.

What would YOU do for a Klondike bar?

Kiss Jared Leto as The Joker. ;)

Black coffee, coffee with cream, or coffee with cream and sugar? Details please.

Mocha Frappuchino. I'm obsessed with them.