Want to be mentioned in a #Follow tweet? See this post:

By tweeting this post, you can earn promotional tweets from me as part of the Amazon Tweet Exchange.
Details here.

The offer is simple. I'll mention you in a #Follow tweet, such as this one, and all you have to do is give us some constructive feedback. What do you like about our site? What do you not like about it? Got any ideas to improve?

What I Like Tweet —

What I Don't Like Tweet —

An Idea to Improve Tweet —

I'll go through my feed and favor these tweets so that I can add you to my #Follow list, but it's possible that I may miss yours. Just imagine how many mentions I get in a day. If you don't see a #follow tweet in a few days, let me know. In that case, you might want to save the tweet, specifically the URL so that you can point me to it. Hopefully this won't be an issue. I'm just saying.