Blogger Banter #22: Abbi from Christian Novels!

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The art of gossiping, gabbing and chatting with awesome book bloggers!

Today, I'm featuring ABBI from CHRISTIAN NOVELS! 

Thanks for stopping by! Let the Banter begin!

Christian Novels


GFC: 358
Goodreads: 153
Email: 42


Blogging Since? 2011

Lives in? US

Solo (blogger), duo, trio...? Duo

Print or eBooks? Print

Average number of books read a month? 15

Favorite Genre? Historical

Book Boyfriend?  Luca Forelli River of Time Series​

Rating System? ​ I don't really have one on my blog though I use the stars on Goodreads!​


What was the very first post you ever made on Christian Novels

​ The first post I personally posted (my sis posted one of my reviews be​fore I took over the blog for her) was a post titled Hey All! introducing myself.
First book review: Out of Control by Mary Connealy​

What are three things you need to have on hand when you settle in to read a good book?

​ ​All I need is a good book but I enjoy having a glass of sweet tea, some music (usually country, Frank Sinatra-esque, or One Republic-ish), and an easy grab snack! Ahhh, sweet tea, One Republic, and a snack. Paradise.

If Christian Novels had a theme song, what would it be? 

This is random but the best I can come up with is the Doctor Who theme song since I travel to so many times and places through the books I read!​  

Is this the right one? I hope so, lol. It's awesome.

You are participating in a TON of reading challenges this year. Which one are you having the most fun with?

​Well it's vain to say my own challenge though I love seeing all the places I travel through books so I'd have to say the reread challenges are my favorite because they give me an excuse to do what I really want to do!​

I'm not a big re-reader, but if I do, it means I really love the book!

You don’t just read and review Christian books on your blog, despite its name. Why did you choose to incorporate other genres?

​Actually as far as I know I haven't yet posted a review for a book that wasn't Christian though I have been thinking about posting reviews for some of the non-Christian books I've read. And the reason I might do that is to help other Christians who are wondering what mainstream books are clean and good reads. I always feel better reading books my Christian friends recommend and I think it'd be nice to do the same for others!​

 What is the BEST thing about being a book blogger? The WORST?

​Not gonna lie, the best part for me is the free books but a close second is all of the friends I've made through blogging. There isn't too much I dislike but if I had to pick something it'd probably be the deadlines!​
Yes, the free books are great, aren't they? I would agree that the other bloggers are what makes this so much fun to do!

If you were told you had to choose one thing to juggle while walking a tightrope, which would you choose: three machetes, three porcupines, or three flaming torches?

​Porcupines, they aren't as deadly as the other two!​

Thanks, Abbi!


Next week I'll be interviewing Ashley from Book-Marks the Spot and Elien from So Bookalicious! See you then!