"Definitely left me wanting more..." Never Forgotten by @JChaseNovelist #mystery #shortstory

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Never Forgotten

An Emily Stone Short Story

Written by Jennifer Chase

Genre: Short Story, Mystery

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From the Award-winning Crime Thriller Series

Vigilante detective Emily Stone has proven her abilities, forensic knowledge, and criminal hunting aptitude in locating serial killers and child abductors. She solves these cases all under the law enforcement radar. Her relentless drive propels her to dedicate her life to this cause.

What was Emily Stone like as a teenager? What changed her life so drastically, which set in motion her fate as a phantom investigator? You might be surprised as Emily embarks on her first investigation that hit close to home. Find out her secrets in NEVER FORGOTTEN.

PLUS: First 3 chapters of DEAD BURN

(Short Story word count: approximately 7,800 words)

An excerpt from

Never Forgotten


Here's what

a fan had to say

This short story takes you through Emily Stone's early life experiences and gives the reader a understanding of the tragedy and resilience that shape her life. Definitely left me wanting more...


Check out other books by

Jennifer Chase

(all covers link to Amazon.com)


Author Bio

Jennifer Chase

Jennifer Chase holds a bachelor degree in police forensics and a master's degree in criminology. Her intense curiosity in the psychological aspect of crime is what drives her to write crime fiction. She lives in California, where she's currently at work on her next book in the series.