Showcase Sunday #5: Featuring @vspearson
Prophecy of the Most Beautiful
by Diantha Jones Follow @DianthaJonesClick here
Showcase Sunday a fun weekly meme hosted by Vicky over @Books, Biscuits and Tea. It's a great way of showing off what we've bought, borrowed and received this week.
This week Diantha,
1. The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen– Already finished it and I LOVED it! 4 STARS. Can't wait to read the sequel, The Runaway King.
2. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi– Everyone is raving about this series but I'm not sure. One thing I am sure about, is that I'm going to need a lot of patience to overcome the ridiculous amount of strikethroughs in this book. There were four on the first page alone. *sigh*
1. The Mane Event by Shelly Laurenston and Last Dragon Standing by G.A. Aiken– I put these together because I borrowed these books from the same person AND because both of these authors are the same person! I'm halfway through The Mane Event, and boy, this book is HOT! Can't wait to start Last Dragon Standing because, duh, I love dragons. Especially sexy ones :)
Chosen (The Amish Bloodsuckers Trilogy) by Barbara Ellen Brink– Won this book in a giveaway hosted by Ren's Rambles. It arrived jus the other day with a cute little bookmark. Wanna say thanks to Barbara and Ren for this fabulous prize!
Diantha, are you reading hard copies? Why yes, good people of Literary-ville. Indeed I am :)
For Crew Review:
Strange Love : Short Stories and Twisted Tales by Victoria Pearson– Our New Crew member, Alana, wants this to be her first read!