Cover Crush #7: The Tale of Mally Biddle by @MelissaLeGette
Prophecy of the Most Beautiful
by Diantha Jones Follow @DianthaJonesClick here
This is a fun Saturday meme hosted by On the Shelf that spotlights beautiful and eye-catching covers.
This week Diantha is crushing on:
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
When Mally Biddle agreed to spy upon the King of Lenzar and his overbearing knights she knew she was heading into danger. She didn’t know she’d find a family unlike any other.
Posing as a servant in Bosc Castle, Mally serves tea and restocks the fires for the most dangerous men in the kingdom. Her goal is to learn the truth of what happened sixteen years ago, when the infant princess met her death … a death that has more questions than answers.
Along her search for the truth, Mally meets the energized Lita Stump, the strict and matriarchal Meriyal Boyd, and the opinionated Archibald Diggleby. Then of course there are the knights: Sir Leon Gibbs who is slicker than a greased hog, Adrian Bayard, hot tempered and violent, and the worst of the lot: Sir Illius Molick, Captain of the Knights. And then there is Maud, a mysterious woman who just might know everything…(Goodreads)
Posing as a servant in Bosc Castle, Mally serves tea and restocks the fires for the most dangerous men in the kingdom. Her goal is to learn the truth of what happened sixteen years ago, when the infant princess met her death … a death that has more questions than answers.
Along her search for the truth, Mally meets the energized Lita Stump, the strict and matriarchal Meriyal Boyd, and the opinionated Archibald Diggleby. Then of course there are the knights: Sir Leon Gibbs who is slicker than a greased hog, Adrian Bayard, hot tempered and violent, and the worst of the lot: Sir Illius Molick, Captain of the Knights. And then there is Maud, a mysterious woman who just might know everything…(Goodreads)
~Why I'm Crushing~
When I came across this cover I was like whoever drew the girl is the TRUTH. As soon as I saw it I knew it would be my crush for this week. Now, here's to say that she actually was drawn and not just digitally constructed or whatever. But besides that, the cover is great. The simplicity is what grabbed me. Black and white, "drawn by hand", title, author, done. It's beautiful.
What do you think?