She's a limitless lover of literature. MEET @BookBirdFiction, Our New Crew Member
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Hello! My name is Millie and I am a lover of YA fiction and blogger from Book Bird Fiction. I have always loved books but got into reading seriously in about 2012 after discovering Booktube. I haven't been quite as brave to start a Booktube channel but in January 2013 made the best decision of my life to start my blog. I am a lover of animals as well as books (hence the inspiration for the blog name) and interested in science. I dream of becoming a doctor with a writing career on the side (you can never do too much).
Who are some of your favorite authors? Books?
I love the obvious YA books (The Fault in Our Stars, Hunger Games, Divergent) but I am also a fan of other books. I adore the Slated trilogy by Teri Terry and I love the Girl, Missing trilogy by Sophie McKenzie. I also like Half Bad by Sally Green, Ways to Live forever by Sally Nicholls and The 100 by Kass Morgan - there are so many I love! I don't tend to stick to one author but just pick up any books I like the sound of. If I had to pick a favourite author, it would probably be Cathy Cassidy as I have the largest collection of her books than any other author.
What are your favorite genres of books to read?I love YA fiction and also sometime middle grade. I have occassionally ventured out into Women's ChickLit world with My Sister's Keeper and Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe but I always come back to the freedom of YA fiction. My favourite genre is probably Dystopian and I love books set in hospitals or about illness as I believe they offer a different insight into life and always stay with me. I am one of those people who read every genre going as I am limitless. However, I am very bad for not reading many classics but I aim to change this.
Besides reading, what other talents or hobbies do you have?
I regularly dance and take part in competitions as it is great fun and a fantastic way to keep fit! I am a total nerd and love learning about anything! I am interested in conservation, charity and especially science. I am a sucker for getting involved in anything in whatever way with always signing up for clubs or hosting fundraising events. Life's too short to be unknown. I love going to new places and hope that in the future I can visit many many fantastic countries.
How excited are you to be a part of the Masquerade Crew?
I can't believe that I have read so many books and words but can't find the right one to express how excited I am! I love being part of a team or community and I can't wait to become more immersed in the world of books!
Nerds R' Us, so you'll fit right in. Welcome to the Crew, Millie!
DeeJay and Mark