OK, I changed my mind: every "good" book will be listed.
In the previous post of this series entitled "Does your book qualify?" the first two listed qualifications had to do with permission and trust. This is a continuation of that post.
A suggestion from a Twitter follower got me to thinking, and I have changed my mind. If your book does not qualify for the author exchange portion of the program but still qualifies for quality, I will be happy to list it. But it isn't as simple as that.
You'll lose two services
Because other Indie Authors will not be able to buy your book from me, you will not benefit from the following two services:
- Higher Royalties
- Best Seller Lists
You will, however, benefit from every other service, and of course there will be a link to Amazon to purchase your book the traditional way.
Because I don't want to confuse other authors who are looking for books to buy from the program, there will be a very visible warning near the top of your page, such as this one:
Not Eligible for Indie Exchange
One other Hitch!
I will still require authors with this type of listing to buy $15 worth of books from the program as their entry fee will not change.