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Cover Wars
January & Feburary 2016
A Curse upon the Saints
by J. Rutger Madison
Twitter: @jrutgermadison
Ahriman: The Spirit of Destruction
by Puja Guha
Twitter: @GuhaPuja
All The Colours
by Lo-arna Green
Twitter: @loarnagreen
All the Way to Heaven
by Becky Doughty
Twitter: @BeckySDoughty
Architects of Destiny
by Amy DuBoff
Twitter: @AmyDuBoff
Blood Bound
by Sharon Stevenson
Twitter: @chettsgenie
Brownstone Burial
by Patricia Gulley
Twitter: @PatriciaGulley1
Chasing Payne
by Chantel Seabrook
Twitter: @chantelseabrook
Dead in a Park
by B. L. Blair
Twitter: @blblair100
by Nikki McCormack
Twitter: @Author_NikkiMc
How To Marry Your Wife
by Stella Marie Alden
Twitter: @stellamariealde
How To Marry Your Wife
by Stella Marie Alden
Twitter: @stellamariealde
It's Like the Full Moon
by Glorie Townson
Twitter: @toithomas
Land Sharks - A Swindle in Sumatra
by Nancy Raven Smith
Little Girl Dead
by Kirsty Ferguson
Twitter: @danesha24
Making Dollars & Sense Work
by Rochelle Campbell
Twitter: @NoteBkBlogairy
by Sam Kraft
Twitter: @SamKraft10
The Confluence
by Puja Guha
Twitter: @GuhaPuja
The League
by Thurston Bassett
The Memory of Blue Sky
by Joanna Bardsley
Twitter: @JM_Bardsley
The Sound of the Stones
by Beth Hammond
Twitter: @BethHammond0o0
The Traitor's Trap
by Brendan Murphy
Twitter: @hibernauts
The Urban Boys
by K.N. Smith
Twitter: @knsmith_author
Unbroken Light
by K. N. Salustro
Twitter: @knsalustro
Vagrant Prince
by Jacob Kilgore
Twitter: @Jacob_creations
Whispers of the Serpent
by CL Roberts-Huth
Twitter: @clrhuth