These books have been voted off the "island."

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Books Voted Off—Part One

The following books have been voted off the "island."

Let's give them a round of applause for being such great covers. After all, being voted off doesn't mean you have a lousy cover.

And don't forget to vote in Round Two here.

All book covers link to

Beautifully Broken

by Sherry Soule

Twitter: @SherrySoule


by Alicia Renee Kline

Twitter: @readaliciarenee

Cramped Quarters

by Ron Shaw

Twitter: @rongizmo

Hypton 14

by Morgan Hadley


Kill Club

by David Jack Smith

Twitter: @davidjacksmith


by Kim Iverson Headlee

Twitter: @KimHeadlee

Moon Pack Rules

by Michele Bardsley

Twitter: @michelebardsley


by Rachel Cotterill

Twitter: @rachelcotterill

Seven Fish Tree

by Ron Shaw

Twitter: @rongizmo

The Brother's Keep

by Tessa Stockton

Twitter: @TessaStockton

The Tattooed Angel

by Diana Douglas

Twitter: @themodernscribe

The Yellow Bus Boys

by Ron Shaw

Twitter: @rongizmo


by Ron Shaw

Twitter: @rongizmo

Turning the Tables

by Julia Underwood

Twitter: @BeingJules

Two Princes

by Victoria Danann

Twitter: @vdanann