It's time for a blog overhaul ... Crew Style!

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Let's take this blog apart 

and see what's under the hood.

Changes are on the horizon. Certain things that make this blog great won't be changing much or at all while other things will be coming back or making their debut. Cover Wars, for example, has always been great and will continue to be so. No discernible changes there ... at least right now.

We're bringing back the rant.

Traffic has been down lately for various reasons, but one reason is that we haven't stirred the proverbial fires all that much. Well, that is going to change. A new, regular feature will be Tuesday Tantrums. Whether we're technically throwing a tantrum about something or we're exposing a tantrum, you're bound to have an opinion, so you won't want to miss any of them.

By the way, DeeJay came up with "Tuesday Tantrum" while we were talking on the phone yesterday. She's got a lot of emotions bottled up that need to be released ... or she just might explode. (And that wouldn't be pretty.)

It needs more than a simple name change.

Our email newsletter needs a lot of work. Though our subscriber number is pretty high ... well, that's about the only thing going for it. And even that is debatable. 

Recently I changed the name from Book Club to Book Bulletin.  That change was for a specific reason — one I have not implemented yet — but the name will change again to embody what it will become, which will be accomplished by one little word.

It will be the Crew Bulletin.

Though we will continue to highlight books, it will be less about that. We want to make it exciting, something you look forward to opening and reading. That means that it won't simply be a listing of recent blog posts. (I've been kind of bummed about that anyway, which is why there hasn't been very many newsletters lately.)

This overhaul isn't just about us—we need your help.

Our efforts to revolutionize this blog will mean little if you don't like the changes. Plus, I'm sure there are a ton of things you could suggest to make this blog better.


  1. What would you like to see more of (or something completely new) on this blog?
  2. What would you like to see less of on this blog?
  3. Is there anything about the blog that needs fixed?
  4. What could we include in our newsletter (Crew Bulletin) that would guarantee you would never unsubscribe, that you would open each one eagerly, knowing that you are going to find something great?