Introducing the Novel Bits book of June: OMAR by @Craigt1
During the entire month of June we will be featuring the novel OMAR
by Craig O. Thompson as part of the new promotional feature entitled Novel Bits. If you don't want to miss any of this new feature, I suggest you follow us by email.
As part of Novel Bits, OMAR will be featured in the right sidebar all month long. It's labeled Book of the Week though technically it's really the book of the month. If you would like your book to be featured as part of the Novel Bits promotion or to read about the promotion in general, see THIS PAGE.
Part of the goal of Novel Bits is to help an author gain new followers, so we encourage you to not only get to know the book (and buy it if you so choose) but to also get to know the author. Only the first week of posts have been planned, so I don't know what we'll do later in the month. However, I would like to have a Q & A session with the author. (Nothing live, though). Some of the questions that Craig answers could come from you, so if you would like to ask him a question, leave a comment. I'll make sure he gets it.
In 1995, the CIA and FBI jointly uncovered secret plans to recover a trove of priceless treasure from deep below the surface of the North Atlantic Ice Barrier, aboard the RMS Titanic. An ultra-zealous terrorist organization competed against a group of divers, hired by a billionaire oilman, which set off a complex web of international intrigue and suspense. Dr. Cary Parker, Woods Hole oceanographer, archaeologist, and maritime law specialist at the Smithsonian Institute, was recruited by CIA's Colonel Bramson to beat both diving teams to the ship's gravesite. And a wave of worldwide terrorism was set into motion at 2077 fathoms. A rare, priceless book—created in the early 20th Century—became the primary focus of a triadic search, as Parker, challenged the terrorists on his own turf. What followed was an adventure of legendary proportions.
As an award-winning author, platform speaker, and expert on terrorism, Craig O. Thompson’s background includes over 20 years research on the subject. Thompson delivers keynote speeches on global terrorism and biological warfare, and leads disaster recovery planning workshops for the public and business community. He is the communications director for the International Association of Counterterrorism & Security Professionals and a member of the Institute for Business & Home Safety.
Mr. Thompson has been writing for over thirty-five years. He first started with poetry and lyrical pieces—encouraged by Poet Laureate and Pulitzer prize-winning poet, Gwendolyn Brooks, and by renowned composer-pianist, Roger Williams. Further encouragement came from comedienne, Lucille Ball, after he attempted a script for The Lucy Show (Lucy personally read the script, rejected it, but told him not to give up writing).
Years of writing copy for regional and national advertising markets—and for public relations campaigns—rounded out his ability to express his ideas. As a member of the National Speaker’s Association and International Platform Association, Mr. Thompson was published in an anthology titled Star Spangled Speakers. Following on the heals of these experiences, he moved on to larger literary pursuits.
Craig O. Thompson’s first novel—OMAR—is actually his second.
The first, a science-fiction fantasy thriller, was put on hold when the idea developed for OMAR. Now, he is re-exploring the inner-workings of the science fiction plot while gathering research for a non-fiction book; a possible sequel to OMAR—and other important character development and plot requirements for at least three more novels and screenplays in treatment stage or at various levels of progress. He is also adapting two screenplays.
Mr. Thompson divides his time between enjoying all aspects of the visual, literary and performing arts to writing and spending time with his family. His principal endeavor has been the establishment of the St. Jude Foundation of Hope… funded through his writing, speaking, and consulting businesses.
Look to your right...
As part of Novel Bits, OMAR will be featured in the right sidebar all month long. It's labeled Book of the Week though technically it's really the book of the month. If you would like your book to be featured as part of the Novel Bits promotion or to read about the promotion in general, see THIS PAGE.
Interaction is our goal
Part of the goal of Novel Bits is to help an author gain new followers, so we encourage you to not only get to know the book (and buy it if you so choose) but to also get to know the author. Only the first week of posts have been planned, so I don't know what we'll do later in the month. However, I would like to have a Q & A session with the author. (Nothing live, though). Some of the questions that Craig answers could come from you, so if you would like to ask him a question, leave a comment. I'll make sure he gets it.
OMAR Synopsis
In 1995, the CIA and FBI jointly uncovered secret plans to recover a trove of priceless treasure from deep below the surface of the North Atlantic Ice Barrier, aboard the RMS Titanic. An ultra-zealous terrorist organization competed against a group of divers, hired by a billionaire oilman, which set off a complex web of international intrigue and suspense. Dr. Cary Parker, Woods Hole oceanographer, archaeologist, and maritime law specialist at the Smithsonian Institute, was recruited by CIA's Colonel Bramson to beat both diving teams to the ship's gravesite. And a wave of worldwide terrorism was set into motion at 2077 fathoms. A rare, priceless book—created in the early 20th Century—became the primary focus of a triadic search, as Parker, challenged the terrorists on his own turf. What followed was an adventure of legendary proportions.
A little something about Mr. Thompson
As an award-winning author, platform speaker, and expert on terrorism, Craig O. Thompson’s background includes over 20 years research on the subject. Thompson delivers keynote speeches on global terrorism and biological warfare, and leads disaster recovery planning workshops for the public and business community. He is the communications director for the International Association of Counterterrorism & Security Professionals and a member of the Institute for Business & Home Safety.
Mr. Thompson has been writing for over thirty-five years. He first started with poetry and lyrical pieces—encouraged by Poet Laureate and Pulitzer prize-winning poet, Gwendolyn Brooks, and by renowned composer-pianist, Roger Williams. Further encouragement came from comedienne, Lucille Ball, after he attempted a script for The Lucy Show (Lucy personally read the script, rejected it, but told him not to give up writing).
Years of writing copy for regional and national advertising markets—and for public relations campaigns—rounded out his ability to express his ideas. As a member of the National Speaker’s Association and International Platform Association, Mr. Thompson was published in an anthology titled Star Spangled Speakers. Following on the heals of these experiences, he moved on to larger literary pursuits.
Craig O. Thompson’s first novel—OMAR—is actually his second.
The first, a science-fiction fantasy thriller, was put on hold when the idea developed for OMAR. Now, he is re-exploring the inner-workings of the science fiction plot while gathering research for a non-fiction book; a possible sequel to OMAR—and other important character development and plot requirements for at least three more novels and screenplays in treatment stage or at various levels of progress. He is also adapting two screenplays.
Mr. Thompson divides his time between enjoying all aspects of the visual, literary and performing arts to writing and spending time with his family. His principal endeavor has been the establishment of the St. Jude Foundation of Hope… funded through his writing, speaking, and consulting businesses.