#Authors, sign up for the next Cover Wars. #marketing

Quick note: those who sign up for this will not be featured until January. November and December are full.

If you sign up after a campaign starts, 
you'll be in the next cover wars. 

So no worries.

How Cover Wars Works

Your book gets approximately 8 weeks of coverage during a campaign. In other words, we start a campaign every other month.

Readers of this blog as well as any people brought here by my marketing or from invitations from the authors ... come and vote for their favorite covers. They can vote once per day.

The book with the most votes at the end of the campaign gets a FREE promo for a book of the author's choice. This promo is currently worth $25.

You also get a classifieds ad to single your book out from the pack. It will link to the campaign post so that interested parties can vote for your book.

8 weeks of Cover Wars + a classifieds ad = ONLY $10

But that's not all
(Do I sound like a used car salesman?)

You are also invited to guest post during the campaign. It can be about almost anything, except it can't be solely a promotion for your book. We have paid packages for that. The guest post will link to the campaign post as well.

If you would like to guest post, send me an email after paying and filling out the form.


Back to the campaign post...

All the books are clumped together in one post in alphabetical order. Those who come to vote for their favorite covers/books can vote for as many as they would like.In fact, they can vote for all of them if they like.

The current campaign can be found on the left side of the page. The button looks like the following (which isn't clickable).

I will promote each of the books using tweets specific to each book, using the following format.

VOTE for BOOK TITLE by @TWITTERHANDLE or one of X others. www.link.com

Filling out the Form

After you have paid for a spot, please fill out the form linked at the bottom of this post. The ASIN, Amazon's unique identification code for your book, can be found in the Product Details section of the book's Amazon page. For a Kindle version, it should look something like this: B009XTVGNE

If you only have a paperback version of your book or that's the cover you'd like to use, the code will be the book's ISBN-10 code, which can also be found in the Product Details section. It would look something like this: 1481856103

I ask for a secret word or short phrase on both the Paypal form as well as the Google form. These two should match up, obviously. That's how we know which payment goes with which form entry. Pick something that can easily be read at a glance. Don't prolong our processing time, please.

Also, try to pick something that is unique. It would be useless if everyone used the same secret word. It's secret, after all. So, pick something about your book or you that other authors wouldn't likely use.

Purchase a Cover Wars Slot


Don't forget the Secret Word!

Secret Word:

Once you have paid for a slot, 
please fill out the form HERE.

Fill out the form HERE for your classified ad.

Remember: if you would like to guest post, please send me an email. 
