Book Trailer: Sex, Death & Mind Control by @rchazzchute

A little about the video

I write suspense, but I've noticed that people mistake my two main titles (Self-help for Stoners and Sex, Death & Mind Control) for other sorts of books. To correct that situation, I came up with trailers to get them to see my books in a new light using entertaining and intriguing quotes. I can't match slick Hollywood production values, so I went with a quote trailer instead of a book trailer with a bad actor (like me!) in it. I went with my strengths and lifted quotes straight from the books.

I had no images but my book covers, so instead of doing a bad book trailer, I opted for doing an okay quote trailer. The part where I lit my eyes on fire was a free app called Motion FX and I just used the camera on my Mac for that. I made the trailers myself when I was feeling too sick to write but still wanted some semblance of productivity.

I just reread that: "The part where I lit my eyes on fire." Hahahaha!

What was used to make this trailer: iMovie. Motion FX. A Mac. My brain. And puddin' (to stay fuelled.)

Check out his site HERE.