3 Thrillers for you to Like and Tag.

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Genre/Theme: Thriller

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Because this will help the author sell more books. Here's an example of how it works: if a book is tagged enough times with the keyword Fantasy, that book will be more likely to show up when someone searches for Fantasy books.
Book Number One
Synopsis: In 1995, the CIA and FBI jointly uncovered secret plans to recover priceless treasure from 2077 fathoms below the North Atlantic Ice Barrier, aboard RMS Titanic. A terrorist syndicate competed against divers, hired by a billionaire, which set off a complex web of intrigue and suspense. Dr. Cary Parker, Woods Hole oceanographer and maritime law specialist, was recruited to beat both teams to the ship's grave. A wave of global terrorism was set into motion, as Parker challenged the terrorists on his own turf. And a rare, priceless, early 20th Century book became the primary focus of a triadic search.
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Book Number Two
Blonde Demolition
Synopsis: You just can't hide from the past...
Mallory Sage lives in a small, idyllic town where nothing ever happens. Just the kind of life she has always wanted. No one, not even her fellow volunteer firefighters, knows about her past life as an agent for Homeland Security.
Former partner and lover, Trey McCrane, comes back into Mallory's life. He believes they made a great team once, and that they can do so again. Besides, they don't have much choice. Paul Stanley, a twisted killer and their old nemesis, is back.
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Book Number Three
Synopsis: 11 freakish tales of horror. A terrifying facsimile of the legendary Grand Guignol in book form. A combination of dark horror/dark comedy in eleven morbid tales you won't soon forget. You will see people drained of their blood and their souls as each are sucked out by frightening, supernatural means. You will revisit the Vietnam War. You will appease the bloodlust of space aliens or they will destroy Earth! If you are disturbed by gruesome tales such as these, then try not to vomit as you read Freakshow!
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