Keir Blog Tour: leave a comment, chance at some dough.

We're happy to help out with the Keir Blog Tour. We aren't listed on the tour because we're kind of a last minute, unscheduled stop. But that doesn't mean you—our readers—are being left out of the festivities.
How you can win $10
Leave a comment on this blog post, and that's it. You're entered. At the end of the blog tour, a random commenter will be picked and then notified by the author, Pippa Jay.
Isn't that a cool name? Pippa Jay. Awesome!
Bec's Review
Our very own Bec read and reviewed the book, giving it 4 stars out of 5. Here's a snippet of what she wrote:
This book reads more like two shorter stories as opposed to the novel it is, albeit two sequential short stories. While this may put some people off, in that the major plot seems to change halfway through with the first half dealing with Keir’s heritage and parentage, I still found myself enjoying the story (or stories). Even with the two halves seeming to have few connections in terms of plot beyond the shared main characters, both halves have a way of drawing you in and making you wish read more.
To read more of this review, click HERE. But don't forget to come back, alright?
Here's all the places that either Keir (the book) or Pippa (the author) are lurking online. Check'em out!
- Pippa's Blog
- Twitter: @pippajaygreen
- Facebook: Keir - Beyond Redemption (book page)
- Facebook: Pippa Jay (profile)
- Goodreads
- Keir - a science-fiction romance available 7th May 2012 from Lyrical Press Inc: CLICK HERE.
Don't forget to leave a comment for a chance to win $10. And while you're at it, visit the other stops on the tour. There's a giveaway going on at all of them (I think). Here the link: Keir Blog Tour.

A little about Pippa Jay
From her blog:
A stay-at-home mum of three who spent twelve years working as an Analytical Chemist in a Metals and Minerals laboratory, Pippa Jay bases her stories on a lifetime addiction to science-fiction books and films. Somewhere along the line a touch of romance crept into her work and refused to leave. In between torturing her various characters, she spends the odd free moments trying to learn guitar, indulging in freestyle street dance and drinking high-caffeine coffee. Although happily settled in historical Colchester in the UK with her husband of 18 years, she continues to roam the rest of the Universe in her head.