I really need your help. pic.twitter.com/fQHsnOPv0j

I'm at a loss. I'm not sure what to do.

As is apparent from browsing this site for just a few seconds, I haven't done anything with it since October. The Masquerade Crew hasn't been completely silent. I've been promoting books (and the occasional other link) on Twitter.

I've been busy working at my convenience store job, and we are homeschooling our kids this year. There hasn't been a lot of time to work on the website. That hasn't necessarily changed, but every once in a while I get the urge to try again.

One thing I know for sure is that I don't want this site to be about book ads. And it was turning into that, so when personal things started getting in the way, I took a step back to refocus.

I turned off all tweets that pointed to this site. I focused on Amazon tweets. And these tweets run as intended. I could get authors to sign up for the tweet service if and when I get this site going again. Might even make a few dollars along the way (which is kind of necessary if I'm going to put any real amount of time into the venture).

But I want the site to be more than just that. I could put a post up advertising the tweet service, and that would be the extent of what this site is for. The small handful of authors who would sign up for the service each month would come to the site when they saw an appropriate promotional tweet advertising our tweet service.

But part of me wants more than that.

I could bring back cover wars and the scavenger hunt (with or without a giveaway), but I got burned out doing those ... or I simply didn't have time. I wouldn't mind trying again.

Since I am an Amazon affiliate, I could list similar products on Amazon (like a top ten list). Might make a few dollars from it. It would generate some traffic. Perhaps even a different kind of traffic, not just those looking for books. And once people are here, they might click on other things we do.

So, my question is, what should I do with this space?

What should become of the Masquerade Crew?

Part of me has always been against niche. I have so many likes and/or hobbies. Part of me says incorporate anything and everything into this space. For example: music, homeschool, or even random stuff we find online (putting internet searches to good use). It would become less about books, though I would always help indie authors, and many authors have been instrumental in keeping my interest in this site.

What do you think?

If this site turned into a buffet of topics (nearly anything appropriate goes), would you as an author consider advertising (as opposed to if it were centered strictly on books and writing)? If you wouldn't advertise in either case, do you at least see the value in presenting books next to topics that have nothing to do with the writing industry?

What sort of things would you like to see me do with this space?

Tell me so in the comments. Let's start a discussion.