Masquerade Crew Book Club Newsletter - January 2nd
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- Dinner with Dracula. 6 question #interview with Luccia Gray
- "This is really an engaging story." The Hunter's Rede by @ftmckinstry #fantasy #review
- Congrats to @AlexiaAdamsAuth, winner of December's Cover Wars
- 13 covers - which is your favorite? Vote for 1, 2, or 3 covers each day.
- Action packed. Held the attention of my 9-year-old. Shardfall by @Graylorne #fantasy
- Fresh Revisit to a Beloved Classic. All Hallows at Eyre Hall by @LucciaGray #historical #99cents
- Will Make You A Gluttonous Reader. Deadly Fantasies by @MillerMystery #mystery