Dinner with Dracula. 6 question #interview with Luccia Gray, @LucciaGray
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We're pleased to introduce
Luccia Gray
Author of
All Hallows at Eyre Hall

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Lightening Round
Flowers or chocolate?
Chocolate is my favourite treat! Flowers, once cut, are for churches and cemeteries.
Shower or bath?
Shower in the morning and bath at night!
Are you a rose or a thorn most of the time?
A rose. An English rose. Sometimes pink, and others crimson, but always a rose.
Chocolate is my favourite treat! Flowers, once cut, are for churches and cemeteries.
Shower or bath?
Shower in the morning and bath at night!
Are you a rose or a thorn most of the time?
A rose. An English rose. Sometimes pink, and others crimson, but always a rose.
Serious Round
How do you use dialog in your writing?
Dialog is vital in a novel. it moves the action forward and exposes the characters personalities and desires. I 'interview' all my characters extensively, to find out what they're like and what they want. Then I listen to them and watch them, in my mind, as they speak to each other, about various topics, not always related to the action in the novel itself.
Finally, after watching them discuss the specific scene in the novel, I write it down. I usually reread it and edit it several times, and on different occasions, before I'm completely satisfied with the result. It's exhausting mentally, but it's one of the most creative aspects of writing a novel.
What time of day do you like best for writing?
This is my ideal day. I get up early, around 7.30, shower and put on comfortable leggings and a baggy top, have a cup of tea and toast, and sit in my back garden porch writing until lunchtime. which is usually around three o'clock. I live in the south of Spain, so the weather's generally warm enough to sit outside, but if it's too cold, or rainy, I sit in my study, which overlooks the front garden.
Unfortunately, I can't do this every day, because I teach at an Adult Education Centre most mornings, and at University some afternoons, so I usually do this on weekends and holidays. During the week, I write in the evenings, which I also enjoy. In fact, I'm happy whenever I'm writing, whatever time of the day it is!
Dialog is vital in a novel. it moves the action forward and exposes the characters personalities and desires. I 'interview' all my characters extensively, to find out what they're like and what they want. Then I listen to them and watch them, in my mind, as they speak to each other, about various topics, not always related to the action in the novel itself.
Finally, after watching them discuss the specific scene in the novel, I write it down. I usually reread it and edit it several times, and on different occasions, before I'm completely satisfied with the result. It's exhausting mentally, but it's one of the most creative aspects of writing a novel.
What time of day do you like best for writing?
This is my ideal day. I get up early, around 7.30, shower and put on comfortable leggings and a baggy top, have a cup of tea and toast, and sit in my back garden porch writing until lunchtime. which is usually around three o'clock. I live in the south of Spain, so the weather's generally warm enough to sit outside, but if it's too cold, or rainy, I sit in my study, which overlooks the front garden.
Unfortunately, I can't do this every day, because I teach at an Adult Education Centre most mornings, and at University some afternoons, so I usually do this on weekends and holidays. During the week, I write in the evenings, which I also enjoy. In fact, I'm happy whenever I'm writing, whatever time of the day it is!
Wacky Question
You're having an intimate dinner party, just you and five individuals (from any time in history, fictional or real). Who's at your table and what are you eating?
It's a Halloween dinner party, so we're all dressed up as Victorian spooky characters. Jane Eyre is chatting to Charlotte Bronte about her life after marrying Edward Rochester. David Copperfield is chatting to Charles Dickens about his life with, or perhaps without, Estella, after their final meeting. Lord Byron is looking into my eyes and reciting his poems, while I'm falling in love.
The waiters, dressed up as Dracula and his vampires, are serving red wine and roast beef. As the party comes to a close, we realise the waiters were not disguised. They are real vampires, so we are converted and live happily ever after, eternally writing Victorian Gothic Romances...
It's a Halloween dinner party, so we're all dressed up as Victorian spooky characters. Jane Eyre is chatting to Charlotte Bronte about her life after marrying Edward Rochester. David Copperfield is chatting to Charles Dickens about his life with, or perhaps without, Estella, after their final meeting. Lord Byron is looking into my eyes and reciting his poems, while I'm falling in love.
The waiters, dressed up as Dracula and his vampires, are serving red wine and roast beef. As the party comes to a close, we realise the waiters were not disguised. They are real vampires, so we are converted and live happily ever after, eternally writing Victorian Gothic Romances...