Q&A about Cover Wars/Scavenger Hunt. A few things have changed.
By tweeting this post, you can earn promotional tweets from me as part of the Amazon Tweet Exchange.
Details here.
Details here.
What's the cheapest way of having
your book featured on our site for an entire month?
your book featured on our site for an entire month?
Cover Wars!
How much does it cost?
Cover Wars starts at just $7.
How does Cover Wars work?
All the participating covers compete for first place.
Due to the fact that this campaign has grown in popularity, we are no longer running just one Cover War. The number of battles will be determined by how many covers are participating. The top so many covers will compete in a final round to determine who is the grand winner. (this is a major change from recent months)
A little extra
promotion for
the top books.
This final round will take place the first week of the following month, ensuring that each cover in the campaign gets a full month of coverage. promotion for
the top books.
The top winners of that final round will be featured in a blog post, first place getting the most prominent spot ... and so on.
Readers of this blog and anyone else that hears about the competition are encouraged to vote for their favorite cover(s) each day. Although quality of the covers plays a definite role in who wins, those authors who leverage their personal network have a good chance of winning.
The more who share this campaign, the more who will check it out and that means exposure for all authors involved. The exposure we bring as the Masquerade Crew is pretty awesome, but the true power of Cover Wars are the authors themselves and their fans.
Let's pull together and support one another.
What other options do I have?
You can add a Scavenger Hunt with a built-in giveaway.
How much does that cost?
Cover Wars and the Scavenger Hunt (with the Giveaway) costs $25.
You use to offer a $15 option. And these prices are slightly higher. What gives?
Few people ordered the $15 option. Plus it complicated our process. Also, it wasn't as worth it because of all the attention we gave to the giveaway books. For those reasons and probably a few others, we decided to take it away.
The price hike is for a few reasons. One, we've been working our butt off getting the giveaway together. If I were to host and manage a single book giveaway, I'd charge a lot more than $20, so $25 is still a discount.
Another reason for the hike is that I would like to spend more time working with the authors. Turning this campaign into something that closely resembles a blog tour would make it even more successful, which is good for all involved.
But I don't want to give away my book. How can I do the Scavenger Hunt?
We'll give you another option: extra tweets. And this would fit even better if your book is on sale, especially at 99¢.
However, I would encourage anyone to think twice. We don't stipulate a minimum number of copies you have to give away, so you could simply give away 1 ebook copy.
If your concern is that someone might distribute your book without your permission (a problem I recommend not worrying about), you've got a couple options.
- Gift them a copy via Amazon which adds a little bit of security to the exchange.
- Ship a print copy.
Remember: the more ebook copies you are willing to give away, the more chances you'll get reviews, something I can't necessarily say for extra tweets.
If you are interested in extra tweets instead of the giveaway, fill out the form saying you are giving away ZERO copies of both digital and print formats. Then email me and let me know.
If you are interested in extra tweets instead of the giveaway, fill out the form saying you are giving away ZERO copies of both digital and print formats. Then email me and let me know.
Players of the hunt are encouraged to check out your book on Amazon.com. Once there they can answer a question about your book. This means people will be looking at your book and not just with a cursory glance. They will be searching for an answer. I can't think of a better way to get people to check out your book.
Also, they have the option to answer a question from your website or blog. Many authors choose a page about their book, but any post on your site will do. This is an opportunity to share a little of yourself with our readers.
But the two scavenger hunt questions are not the only things that come with the scavenger hunt. Players of the hunt can follow you on Twitter and Facebook. And we have added a Goodreads option.
What if I have more questions?
If you have any questions about the form (linked on the purchase page), the information above, or anything regarding the Cover Wars/Scavenger Hunt campaign, please email me. I get a lot of email, so if I don't respond right away, don't fret. Send me a second email if I don't respond within a few days.