Changes to the form Those of you who have been members of our review crew for a while will notice that some things aren't listed on the form. I'm not worried about book synopsis, genre, and maturity. I've either been ignoring them or rarely using them as I can get the info from the Amazon page. The biggest change, though, is that I don't want you to submit the wording of the review anymore. The new way will improve our processing speed (since it took a while to format a post using the old way), allowing us to accept more reviews, manage more reviewers and thus helping more authors in the long run. Instead of giving me the wording of your review on the form, we are requiring a link to your review on Amazon. A review on is the most beneficial for authors (among other reasons since those reviews may also appear on the other Amazons), so that would be the preferred place to put it. However, I realize that if you live in another country, it may be very diffi...