20 chances at 4 Amazon gift cards in our #fantasy Scavenger Hunt

We are now half way through Fantasy Month. (We are near the end of Fantasy Month.) Have you enjoyed the journey? Have you even noticed? No? Shame on you!

Anyway, the scavenger hunt has been going on in the background as scavenger stops have been added, but up till this point I haven't advertised the scavenger hunt heavily.

This month's scavenger hunt is brought to you by the authors of the following books. Check them out by clicking on the covers.

4 Gift Cards
20 Chances

There are four Amazon gift cards up for grabs, and you have 20 chances to win one. All you have to do is play our scavenger hunt.

Discover some cool books and authors and have a chance at a gift card. Cool, right?

We thought so.

Without further ado, here's the scavenger hunt.

a Rafflecopter giveaway