Changing Gears: Would you like to be published in our Time Travel anthology?
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Back in the spring I blogged about a short story writing contest that would lead to the publishing of an anthology, and there was prize money involved. To read about it, click HERE.
The ultimate goal was always to publish. The contest was simply a way to make it fun. And the prize money was put forth in order to attract attention and get people moving.
It hasn't worked.
To date we have received just one submission, even though several have told me that they are interested. Believe me: I get it. We're all busy. Well, I'm not going to wait forever, so here's the new deal.
No More Contest
I would like to publish a (minimum) 25,000 word anthology, so that means I need just 4 more approved short stories. I'll take more if they come in, the price of the ebook being based upon the final word count. Either that or we'll have enough material for a second volume.
There won't be judges. We're go straight to beta reading (the new job of the judges), then quickly on to editing and beyond.
If you're interested in writing a story for our anthology, NOW is the time to be working on it. Getting all the entries in before NaNoWriMo starts would be good, and really, I'd like the cut off date to be October 1st to give me a full month to work with the authors before they get engrossed in NaNo novels.
What about the money?
The $150 set aside for contest money will be used to market the ebook, which is probably a good thing since the original plan didn't have an advertising budget. More info on this when the time comes.
The Prompt and other details
Here's the prompt for those who don't know it:
In the spirit of H.G. Well's "The Time Machine," one character or a group of characters travel many years into the future. What do they find there? Are they able to come back home, or are they trapped? What has become of mankind? Is life better or worse? What's the political climate? The real climate? (IOW mother nature) The choices are up to you.
Minimum Word Count: 5,000
Maximum Word Count: 10,000
Call to Action
If you're interested, let me know. If you have a story idea, let's brainstorm. If you've started a story, let's chat about your progress. If you have a completed story, send it in. Here's my email:
And, of course, if you have any questions, ask away.