Calling all #Fantasy authors: Submit your book for review!



After months and months of reading and reviewing a backlog of books so long a little pig could have built a house out of them, the Crew is finally ready to accept NEW book requests! *insert cheers and applause here*

Please read this next bit carefully:

This time around, we are using a different system to handle review requests. We will only accept requests from one genre at any given time. 
This is because we have decided to dedicate every month to a certain book genre, starting with the Fantasy genre in July. Throughout July, we will spotlight Indie Fantasy authors in our new meme Indie Interview (hosted by Crew member, Saffron). Saffron will also introduce her other meme, Genre Giants that month, and Mark and I (DeeJay) plan to focus our own memes on Fantasy as well.
All reviews will be Indie Fantasy books, which is why we are putting out the call for submissions now. We want to give our reviewers time to read and review the books they select.

IMPORTANT: Once an author's book has been submitted, I will contact that author and request they send me their books in all available formats (excluding print copies, which will be sent directly to the respective reviewer). This does NOT guarantee the author a review. This is so I will have the books on hand so that when a reviewer requests them, I can send them right away instead of having to wait for an author to send them to me. This is beneficial to the author and the Crew.

Note: Books sent to me ahead of time will be given priority over those that aren't!
I understand if an author doesn't want to send me their work without the guarantee of a review. Makes complete sense. However, failure to do so will drop the author down to the bottom of the review list, and it is likely that book will not be reviewed until the next month that genre is featured.
Submissions are open for ONE WEEK ONLY!

Sorry, but to avoid ending up with a backlog of review books like the list we just spent the last year tackling, this is just the way things have to be. So if you miss submission week, YES, you will have to wait until the next time. No Exceptions! Any requests sent through our contact form or to our emails will be ignored! So don't waste your time.

To read our FULL review policy, click HERE.

To request a book review for your FANTASY book, click HERE. To request a review for any other genre, click HERE.